Strength- Based Therapy

At Small Talk, we listen and learn from neurodivergent voices to inform our practice. We understand that, historically, speech therapy has promoted ableist methodologies. We work hard to provide services that are affirming and accept children as their authentic selves. Incorporating this social justice movement into our services has changed the way parents/teachers understand the autistic individual in their life. Please note that our services will look different from the traditional medical model.

With regards to speech therapy, we prioritize total communication, meaning we will work with you to help your child communicate where they are right now! Different types of communication include spoken language, Alternative & Augmentative Communication (AAC), sign language, gestures, hand-leading, and more! There is no prerequisite for AAC and we have seen firsthand all the benefits of implementing high-tech AAC in the early intervention population! 

    • Age-appropriate activities 

    • Learning through play 

    • Following the child’s lead in play 

    • Visuals to increase predictability 

    • Strength based approach (using the child’s strengths and preferences to build new skills) - Total communication approach, including high tech AAC options 

    • Honor all forms of communication 

    • Allowing unlimited access to sensory supports 

    • Honoring differences in joint attention. Lauren may not be looking at you or making eye contact when communicating due to joint attention differences.

    • Working on eye contact 

    • “Extinction” of behaviors that are neurodivergent 

    • Compliance based therapy 

    • Restricted access to a preferred item 

    • With-holding preferred objects or activities 

    • Adult directed play 

    • Physical prompting, such as hand-over-hand prompts. Instead encourage body autonomy