Language Enriching Classes


    Play should feel relaxed and fun for both the caregiver and the child! Our classes encourage caregivers to join in their child’s interests by imitating their actions, narrating their play, delighting in their child, and just being present. Come learn the many benefits of following your child’s lead in play.


    Each small talk class focuses on teaching caregivers sign language, early developing speech sounds, and evidence-based communication strategies. Throughout the class, each parent will get one-on-one coaching from the class instructor.


    Research has shown that sensory play supports language development, cognitive growth, motor skills, problem solving, etc. That’s why all our language classes incorporate sensory play, which includes rice bins, water play, dry pasta, and so much more. This will probably become your little one’s favorite part of class!

Get an early head start

Our language playgroup was created by certified speech language pathologists who specialize in early childhood development. Small Talk classes can help enhance your child’s language skills, social/emotional development, cognition, and sensory/motor development. Classes are intended for babies and toddlers ranging from 6-36 months, regardless of a communication concern.

Build connections and meet with other parents and children in the class. Our classes provide many opportunities for caregivers to get to know each other! One of our favorite parts of the Small Talk community is seeing these friendships continue even after classes have ended!